February 25, 2015

Ways of storytelling (part 1/2)

How to tell it? How to tell a narrative story in video games? How to tell the story in point & click adventure game? How do I want to tell the story in SUBSEQUENTED? The story and its narration is one of the main advantages of SUBSEQUENTED so in this post I would like to convey you some of the conclusions which I reached by researching this issue over the last few weeks (in the general views, and in specific examples). I will also describe you ways of storytelling I want to use in SUBSEQUENTED. And, as I came out with in the previous post, I'm not saying that these must be necessarily applied in other genres, or even video games in general, this is only my point of view (and I still welcome all your comments to my posts).

To  begin a discussion about the ways of storytelling I researched, at first we need to look at the story and its narration in a larger scale and imagine it more comprehensively - we take the whole story, divide it repeatedly into smaller parts, apply all the rules which are needed, add narrative goals, incorporate storylines (do not forget gameplay), and finally we will reach the desired goal - ways of storytelling. This blog post will therefore be about all this and a few other related topics. But first things first.

At the beginning I had the whole story - maybe we can simply call it a „scenario“. From that QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS emerged. Then I split the story into several long chapters and for each chapter I defined part of the story (important facts) which is needed to be mentioned within the chapter (somehow told to the player). For example, in the first chapter of SUBSEQUENTED there is currently 16 important facts. Then I divided chapters into smaller parts and each part I connected with its narrative goal (what is told to the players while playing that chapter) and motivational goals (what motivates players to move forward and also what are actual Lensen's reasons). I incorporated a pieces of the storylines to the each chapter and part of it. To make (narrative) sense to everything I had mentioned, I set certain rules of storytelling I want to follow. Isn't it too complicated? I drew a picture (the first game graphics?:D), in which I want to show you how everything I had mentioned in this paragraph holds together - you should see the image inside of this article.
